Modify IntelliTrack Standard Reports

A standard IntelliTrack report may be modified in the Report Designer. You may perform the following types of modifications:

Custom Report in IntelliTrack

When the modifications to the report are complete, you may rename it or keep the same name, however, note that any modified version of a report will be uploaded to IntelliTrack as a Custom report, and it will be available at the View Reports page or View Labels page. The original IntelliTrack report will remain unmodified and available as a standard report.

Uploading a Modified Report or Label to IntelliTrack

Each report or barcode found in the IntelliTrack application may be modified in the Report Designer. To modify a report, save the modifications to it, and upload it to IntelliTrack as a custom report, do the following:

  1. From the ribbon in the Report Designer, select Open.

Report Designer Ribbon - Open Button

  1. The Open Report/Barcode dialog appears.

Open Report/Barcode Dialog

  1. Select a Category option: To open a report or barcode report from the IntelliTrack application, choose an option from the Select a Category section:
    1. Reports option: select the Reports option in the Select a Category section to open a report.
    2. Barcodes option: select the Barcodes option in the Select a Category section to open a barcode report.
  2. Select a Type drop-down list: Next, select the report or barcode type; click the drop-down arrow in the Select a Type field and select from the options that appear.
  3. Report Types: The following report types are available:
    1. Asset: select this option to open a IntelliTrack asset report.
    2. Assignee: select this option to open the IntelliTrack assignee report.
    3. Custom: select this option to open a custom report.
    4. Inventory: select this option to open a IntelliTrack inventory report.
    5. Picking: select this option to open a IntelliTrack picking report.
    6. Receiving: select this option to open a IntelliTrack receiving report.
    7. Stock: select this option to open a IntelliTrack stock report.
  4. Barcode Types: The following barcode types are available:
    1. Assets: select this option to open an assets barcode.
    2. Assignee: select this option to open an assignee barcode.
    3. Container: select this option to open a container barcode.
    4. Custom: select to open a custom barcode.
    5. Item: select to open an item barcode.
    6. Item Description: select to open an item description barcode.
    7. Location: select to open a location barcode.
    8. Sequential: select this option to open a sequential barcode.
  5. Report Name or Barcode Name: Once the report or barcode type is selected, the individual reports/barcodes in the application may be opened. To open a specific report, select the drop-down arrow in the Select a Name field and select the report or barcode report name from the selections that appear.
  6. Click the Open button to open the report/barcode in the Report Designer.
  7. The report/barcode appears in the design area of the Report Designer.
  8. The report may be modified. Once all changes are in the report, select the Save option in the ribbon.
  9. The Upload dialog appears.

Upload Dialog

  1. Use the Upload Dialog to upload this report to IntelliTrack.
  2. Select Upload Type option:
    1. Report option: select to upload a report.
    2. Barcode option: select to upload a barcode.
  3. Display Name field (required): the original report/barcode name is automatically placed in this field. (You may type another report/barcode name in this field.) This is the report name that will appear in the Report Name/Label Name field at the View Reports page/View Labels page in IntelliTrack.
  4. Description field (optional): enter a description for this report/barcode in the Description field.
  5. Click the Upload button to load this report in IntelliTrack.
  6. If you have not entered a unique display name in the Display Name field, a message appears to notify you that this report already exists. It asks you to confirm that you want to modify it.

Report Upload Confirmation Prompt

  1. To upload this report to IntelliTrack, select Yes. The report/barcode will be placed in the application under the Custom reports/barcodes.
  2. Another message appears to notify you when the report has been uploaded to IntelliTrack.
  3. Click Ok to close the dialog.